"Send in the Clowns!"

Clown Gram Outline

Oki Doki the star clown! This bright coloured happy clown will make anyone's day with surprises and party treats all up his sleeve. He delivers your personal telegram with song, balloons and gifts almost anywhere for every occasion. 

Perfect for:

Birthday's, Lovers,
Valentine's Day,
Special Celebrations
Holy Communion & Confirmation
Bar & Bat Mitzvah 

Clown Gram Packages

cLoWn SiNgiNg TeLeGrAM
Package 1 includes:

The Original Clown Gram Package

Oki Doki the Star Singing Clown
Dressed in a colourful "star" costume with his LOUD horn

Original Choreographed script/poem
Uniquely created for the Recipient or Company & staff by our in-house poet.  Presented on a traditional coloured scroll - A Highly recommended option

Gift of your choice from one of the following:

Autograph Bear, Champagne, Luv Cuffs or Teddy Bear 

Large Bouquet of Helium Filled Balloons/ or A Large Bouquet of Balloon Sculptured Flowers

Balloon Sculpting and Magical Trick

Party Treats

Your Personal Message Card 

The Party Clown Gram Package

Same as above package
a 24cm Chocolate Mud Cake or Pavlova
Oval Silver Tray (to keep)
Candles or Sparklers

Let's Party
Book Now Form


CLOWN Character Delivery
Package 2 includes:

The Clown Character Delivery

(arrives for the recipient)

Sings a Song appropriate for the occasion  

Reads your Personal Message Card out aloud

This Package will
Brighten their day

Send in the Clown
and..... A Little Bit More

  • Helium Filled Balloons

  • Autograph Bear

  • Elvis Glasses

  • Champagne

  • Port

  • Chocolates

  • Love Cuffs

  • Bear

  • Gorilla

  • Ball 'n' Chain

    For ONLY an extra $35 each add any of the above gifts to this Clown Character Courier Package

  • Extra Songs are $15 each

  • N.B.
    Friday 5pm to Monday 8am incurs a $15 fee.

"The Memories last Forever...."   Book Now Form


Customised Packages
Created for you:

Please call us for more information.  Stage or Floor Shows are also just a phone call away.


 Clowns & Characters
For Corporate Events & Private Parties

- Expos
- Parties
- Clown Classes / Motivation / Laughter
- School Fetes and Carnivals
- Street Fairs
-Charity Events

Add the Original Poem to your package to your package to really create an IMPACT 

Jimmy Barnes and Oki Doki 

What clown? WHERE?

Email:  Clown

Book Now

Bookings & Enquiries

Melbourne & Sydney
0415 836 877
(61 2) 415836877

Email: Butler

Service Areas in 
Melbourne & Mornington Pen.

Service Areas in Sydney

Check Clown Grams Availability NOW
for your next event
* ALL FIELDS WITH * MUST BE completed to get a response back

Phone No:
Approx. Time Frame*:

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